Best Dewormers for Cats l Best Cat Wormers

Best Dewormers for CatsCats are prone to parasitic infestations by worms. These worms are such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms that target the intestinal tract.

Heartworms are also common and affect the heart and arteries. Regardless of the parasite in your cat, it is crucial to treat the cat pronto.

This is where cat dewormers come in handy. Dewormers are oral medications that come in liquid, paste, or tablet form to make them easy to administer comfortably. Others come in a topical form where they are typically applied to the base of the head.

Some dewormers even prevent the re-infestation of that particular worm that they are treating. Before looking at the best dewormers for cats, let’s look at the benefits of regular deworming of your furry friend.

Why Should You Deworm Your Cat?

  • Prevents Health Issues

Worms are harmful to cats. It is necessary to deworm them as failure to do so can lead to several health issues. The parasites can also be transferred onto the cat owners by medium saliva or sputum if not eradicated.

  • Removes Gastrointestinal Parasites

Gastrointestinal parasites are usually found in the small and large intestine, colon, and stomach. They are harmful and can multiply exponentially. They can also lead to serious ailments such as anemia, diarrhea, bloody stool, loss of weight, and intestine blockage. Administering dewormers to cats helps reduces and eliminates the risk of such diseases.

  • Contributes to Your Peace of Mind

The fact that some pets do not show indications or symptoms of having internal parasites means that it is the owner’s responsibility to inspect from mouth to rear for any worm indications. If you are not successful in finding any sign but your cat is feeling irritated all day, take her to the vet. The vet will examine her thoroughly. Deworming thus gives you peace of mind that your precious four-legged friend is not carrying any deadly parasite.

  • Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle

Regular worming treatments contribute to a happy and healthy cat as she is safe from any deadly worms.

7 Best Dewormers for Cats

When choosing a dewormer, it is important to ensure that it is formulated to treat the specific worm that your cat has been infected with. The following are the best dewormers for cats:

#1) Bayer Tapeworm Dewormers for Cats

Best Dewormers for Cats


As a cat owner, the Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer is what you need to easily and effectively get rid of tapeworms in your cat. It does so in a safe manner ensuring that the problem is done away with once and for all. The dewormer comes in a tablet that is easy to give as it can be crumbled up and sprinkled into the food of the cat.

The dewormer can also be administered directly into the cat’s mouth. Each tablet has 23mg of the active ingredient praziquantel that removes the tapeworms. Just a single dose is sufficient to get rid of the tapeworms. You do not require a prescription to use it on your feline. It is ideal for cats that are above six weeks of age.


  • Administering is easy as you can do so directly in the cat’s mouth or sprinkle onto food
  • Gets rid of common tapeworms in a safe manner
  • Safe to use on cats that are six weeks and above
  • Contains three 23mg praziquantel tablets
  • Works fast and effectively
  • Gets rid of tapeworms in just a single dose
  • Cost-effective

#2) Excel Liquid Roundworm Dewormer for Cats

Best Dewormers for Cats

Are you a cat parent looking for a dewormer that is cost-effective to get rid of roundworms in your cat? If that is so, look no more. The Excel Liquid Roundworm Dewormer has some features that you will love.

The cat dewormer has a good taste and comes in a four-ounce bottle that has good size and a child-resistant cap. The fact that it is palatable makes it pretty easy to administer in two ways. Firstly, you can give the cat directly to her mouth or mix it with food.

It is very effective in getting rid of roundworms as it contains Piperazine as the active ingredient. To get the dosage right, it comes with an easy-to-read and understands dosage guidance.

It is advisable to use it once daily for two weeks to eradicate an infestation of roundworms. Afterward, you can move to a maintenance dose monthly to ensure that your pet is free from these parasites. Keep in mind that the dewormer should not be used on cats that are expectant or kittens that are too young.


  • Easy to administer
  • Contains Piperazine as the active ingredient
  • Effective at eradicating roundworms even those that are large
  • The four-ounce bottle comes in a good size
  • Palatable hence will be loved by cats
  • Should be used daily for two weeks
  • Can be sued as a maintenance treatment

#3) NaturPet Effective Cat Dewormer

Best Dewormers for Cats

This dewormer is formulated with ingredients such as wormwood, papaya leaf, and sage leaf that are all 100 percent natural. It is a gentle broad-spectrum dewormer that eradicates the worms such as roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, and pinworms that may be affecting your cat. Your cat deserves to be happy and healthy and free of parasites, so use this dewormer to ensure that.

The dewormer relaxes and soothes the digestive tract thus reducing any tummy symptoms that are brought about by intestinal parasites. In addition, administering it as easy as it has a dropper that allows you to put it directly into the cat’s mouth or mix it with food. The fact that it is liquid means that it is a better option than a prescription dewormer.


  • Effective treatment for common worms
  • Formulated with ingredients that are 100% natural
  • Relaxes and soothes the digestive tract
  • Easy to administer
  • Contains a blend of papaya leaf, wormwood, sage, and fennel leaf
  • Ideal to use on healthy cats
  • Eradicates internal parasites that affect cats

#4) HomeoPet Feline WRM Clear Cat Supplement

Best Dewormers for Cats


This is a perfect solution for a cat parent who might be looking for a solution for the treatment of parasitic worms that is not only gentle but natural. The dewormer works by creating an environment that is harsh for common worms such as whipworms, tapeworms, hookworms and roundworms so that they are unable to thrive.

It not only treats these worms but also minimizes the chance of re-infestation by lowering the production of eggs. Another positive attribute of this cat dewormer is the easy administration. It is easy to administer either directly into the mouth or adding onto food pr water.

It contains no chemicals and only has the purest natural ingredients making it safe for cats of all ages and sizes. It can also be sued on expectant cats or those that are nursing. Results should be expected after 14 days of use.


  • Easy to administer
  • Contains fully natural ingredients
  • Contains no preservatives or artificial flavors
  • The liquid formulation that is drug-free
  • Not only helps in recovery from worms but also prevents them
  • Ideal to use on all cats even kittens, expectant and nursing cats
  • Takes about 14 days to reach full potential

#5) ProSense Liquid Cat Dewormer

Best Dewormers for Cats

This dewormer protects your feline against roundworm infestations as it is made with ingredients that are anti-worm and very effective. Roundworms generally lead to various gastrointestinal problems like bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea.

A cat with these symptoms should be treated as soon as possible. And it should be treated with this liquid formulation. It is very easy to use as you just pop it into the cat’s mouth directly or mixed with food.

The cat dewormer can be used on all cats that are above six weeks of age. Not only does it treat parasites but it also prevents problems associated with the digestive tract to lead to a happy cat and a happy cat parent ultimately.


  • Contains Piperazine Citrate that is very effective
  • Treats roundworms infestation quickly
  • Easy to administer either directly or put into food
  • Prevents digestive problems
  • Ideal for cats that are over six weeks of age
  • Comes in a liquid form

#6) Bayer Animal Health Drontal Broad Spectrum Cat Dewormer

Best Dewormers for Cats


This broad-spectrum dewormer eradicates parasites such as tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms even the ones that are large.  It contains praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate that gets rid of an infestation and then is used as a maintenance routine for your feline.

They come in tablet form and be crumbled with ease and put into the cat’s food. This makes it easier to administer them. They can also be administered directly into the cat’s mouth.

It is important to note that administering these tablets can lead to various side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, and appetite loss. Also, the tablets should not be given to cats that are allergic to Drontal’s active ingredients. They are also not safe for cats that are less than 8 weeks of age and those with less than 2 pounds of weight.


  • Eradicates tapeworms, hookworms and roundworms effectively
  • Contains praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate
  • Comes in a tablet form
  • Easy to administer either directly or mixed with food
  • Dewormer and maintenance as well
  • Should only be used on cats that are above 8 weeks of age

#7) Durvet WormEze Liquid Feline Antihelmintic

Best Dewormers for Cats


This is an effective way to get rid of roundworms which are the most common internal parasite that affects cats of all ages. It comes in liquid form making it pretty easy to administer either directly into the cat’s mouth or mixing with food.

It contains Piperazine as the active ingredient making it very effective and efficient at eradicating an infestation of roundworms. It comes in a large-ounce bottle that provides a solution to the problems brought about by roundworms. Nonetheless, the formula is delicious as it has a caramel flavor. The treatment should be repeated after 10 days after the first dosage has been administered to capture the eggs as they mature.

Afterward, it can be used as a part of a regular worming routine. Besides that, the dewormer comes with clear guidance that states that 5ml should be used per 5 pounds of body weight to help get the right dosage for your four-legged friend.


  • Delicious caramel flavor
  • Easy to administer
  • Effectively gets rid of roundworms
  • Contains Piperazine as the active ingredient
  • Ideal for cats that are six weeks and above
  • Comes with clear guidance to help you get the right dosage
  • Digested easily
  • Comes in a large 8-ounce bottle

Best Cat Dewormers Buying Guide & FAQs

Factors to Consider When Buying the Best Dewormers for Cats

  1. Type of Worms

The most common types of worms that affect cats are hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and whipworms. You need to choose the right wormer bases on the type of worm if you are worming your feline because she has a current worm infestation.

  1. Side Effects

The common side effects of deworming treatment include vomiting, diarrhea, and salivation. They should not however be excessive or prolonged. If your cat is experiencing any extreme side effects contact your vet as soon as possible.

  1. Over the Counter vs Prescription

You can purchase either over-the-counter dewormers or stronger ones that need a prescription. Over-the-counter dewormers are fine to use as part of a deworming schedule routine. A prescription-strength dewormer is more effective if your feline has been diagnosed with a worm infestation.

  1. Ingredients

Dewormers can contain natural or chemical ingredients. Dewormers with natural ingredients are more appealing but are not always effective.

  1. Formulation

These dewormers can come in either tablet or liquid form. Tablets contain pre-measured doses of active ingredients meaning that there is no guessing and messing around when trying to figure out how much to give your cat. The tablets can be put in cat’s food or treats to make it easier to administer them. Liquid dewormers are ideal for parents who struggle when giving their feline tablets. They are easier to administer either through directly popping into the cat’s mouth, using a syringe, or mixing with the feline’s food.

  1. Price

Cat dewormers come in a wide range of prices depending on the dewormer and size of the package. It is best to compare the price per dose.

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Worms that Infest Cats

  • Roundworms

These worms resemble spaghetti noodles and have cylindrical bodies. The two most common species known to affect cats are Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonine. They can be transmitted through the ingestion of stool of another cat’s feces that has roundworm infection.

In most cases, cats eat the intermediate host where the roundworm larvae reside temporarily. These intermediate hosts include rodents, earthworms, cockroaches, and birds. They can also be transmitted to a kitten by an ingested mum cat. The parasites migrate to the mammary glands where they get transmitted into the breast milk.

  • Tapeworms

They are easily spotted as they are passed down easily in the stool as segments. Many of these segments can break off so are easy to find in the cat’s feces or congregating in the area around her anus.

They are transmitted by fleas. If your cat swallows a flea that is tapeworm-infected, it will be released from the flea as soon as the digestive enzymes of the flea break down the flea. The freed parasite then stays at the intestinal wall where it grows.

  • Whipworms

The most common whipworm that affects cats is Trichuris Serrata. They have a whip-like appearance and can be transmitted when cats ingest contaminated food or water that contain the parasite’s eggs

  • Hookworms

The eggs of this parasite are found in cat feces. When another cat comes into contact with the stool that is hookworm-infested, the parasite can penetrate the cat’s skin and find its way into the intestines. A nursing mother can also transfer the parasite when breastfeeding her kitten.

Symptoms of Heavy Worm Infestation in Cats

  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Pale gums
  • Loss of weight
  • Diarrhea
  • Biting or licking the anus
  • A dark and tarry stool
  • Coughing
  • A bloated belly

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How to Prevent Worms in Cats                

  • Keep your Feline Indoors-This ensures that it doesn’t come into contact with feces and objects that are parasite-contaminated as well as intermediate hosts of parasites.
  • Keep Your Hose and Yard Clean-It is important to ensure that the environment which your cat ventures into is relatively safe and free of parasites
  • Wear Protective Clothing when handling feces or dead intermediate hosts. This includes gloves and is crucial especially when cleaning the litter box of your cat.
  • Visit Your Vet Regularly-These regular visits will help you to keep tabs on the health of your furry friend. This way you can know if there is a potential problem associated with internal parasitism.

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Best Dewormers for Cats FAQs

Q: How Often Should I Deworm My Indoor Cat?

A: Most cats should be dewormed at least every 12 weeks which is four times a year.

Q: What Should I Look for After Deworming My Cat?

A: The most common side effects of deworming are such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation and loss of hair at the area of application if a topical dewormer is issued. If you notice any unusual behaviors after administering the dewormer or if these side effects prolong, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Q: Can a Cat Overdose on a Dewormer?

A: Yes. It is possible to overdose on a dewormer if the incorrect dosage is administered. To avoid overdosing, always read the dosage instructions and if not sure, seek professional advice. Signs of a potential overdose include stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you notice these signs after administering the dewormer, quickly take the cat to the vet.


Dewormers are a safe and effective way to eradicate parasites whether tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, or whipworms that may be affecting your feline companion. The best dewormer is one that tears the specific worm that your furry friend is infected with efficiently and effectively The above dewormers explained above do exactly that and are good for your regular maintenance routine.