How to Teach a Dog to Catch a Frisbee

Tips For Playing Frisbee With Your DogHaving a dog as your pet is great. With no effort at all, dogs manage to bring so much joy to our lives. With dogs, we find companionship whether in the house or when taking walks outdoors. Another good thing about having a dog as your pet is that you get someone to play with. One of the popular games you can engage your dog in is catching Frisbee. Playing frisbee with your dog is both rewarding to your pet and strengthens your bond with the pet.

While some dogs naturally know how to play with the flying disk, others need to be taught how the game works. Teaching your dog to catch a Frisbee is a great way to bond with him especially if he loves to run, catch and retrieve. Throwing a Frisbee is pretty much easy. However, before you begin to throw one to your dog, try to toss a few discs and see how he reacts to them.

If he shows interest in the flying steps, use these steps to teach him how to catch a Frisbee.

  1. Begin by introducing him to his new toy. While some dogs are immediately enticed merely by the sight of a new toy, others require extra incentives to be interested in one. Associate the flying disc with a desirable reward such as handing him out a treat for simply touching it. To intensify the desire to have the disc all by himself, play a tug-of-war with him for a couple of days.
  2. After the dog has familiarized with the disc, introduce to him the given command. Teach him this command by giving him the disc, holding a treat and say “give.” If he obeys the command and gives you the disc, reward him. Give the disc back and repeat the procedure until the dogs learn to obey the command fully.
  3. Take your dog outdoors and have him sit. Toss him the flying disc from a close distance and praise him for catching it. Have the dog bring the disc to you and reward him for doing that.
  4. After the dog has learned to catch the disc and bring it to you, gradually increase the distance from which you throw the disc until he learns how to consistently catch it with his mouth. Not only is this activity fun for both of you, but it also a great way for both of you to exercise.

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Tips For Playing Frisbee With Your Dog

Playing Frisbee with your dog is very exciting because it’s their instinct to chase and stop small moving and flying objects. Playing singles or doubles, jumping high to catch the disc, your pup will love this game. Always make sure that your dog is fit for the game to avoid leaving him with injuries. Here are some of the tips to follow:

  • Start slow. Introduce your dog to the Frisbee concept slowly. Your goal here is to have him chase the disc, catch it then bring it back to you without hurting himself or the disc. When you start throwing the disc, your dog might not know the right thing to do. Start by rolling it to him so he can familiarize himself with its shape and size. You can also attach food or treats to the disc, so he can associate it with something positive. You can practice this in the backyard until you see that he has learned to obey your commands.
  • To get him started, get a soft and tear-resistant disc that doesn’t hurt his mouth and teeth. You can experiment with different discs and see which one works bests for both your pooch.
  • Learn how to throw the disc without hurting yourself and the dog. This is important because when you release the disc, you’ll be following through from your wrist to the whole body.
  • Your dog will always follow the disc where it lands. Make sure that your throws are consistent to prevent your dog from running all over the beach, park, or yard. Don’t throw the disc directly at your pup. Throw it a distance where he gets an opportunity to see the disc in the air and prepare himself to run after it and catch it.
  • To make it more fun for your dog, balance some treats on top of the Frisbee before throwing it. Toss the disc and watch the treats scatter in all directions. Your dog will be so excited and will love to retreat them.

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Staying Safe While Playing Frisbee with Your Dog

Every active dog should be given the opportunity to enjoy Frisbee. Frisbee is a good way to exercise and it has many benefits to both the dog and the owner. While it might take time before your dog learns how to catch and bring back the disc, with time and good training, you both become better. Too much high-impact physical activity can have some serious risks to the dog. It is therefore important for you to let the dog enjoy the sport with some moderation. Before you start playing Frisbee with your dog, here are some of the tips for you to stay safe.

  • It takes a lot of energy and stamina for a dog to play Frisbee. Before you start training, have your dog’s physical condition checked by your vet. If you have a dog prone to hip dysplasia, your vet will check him for any potential issues that could be worsened by this activity.
  • Before you head out to play Frisbee, ensure that your dog has already learned how to obey the basic commands and that you can rely on him to return the disc to you and not go dashing off with it. If not, give him time to learn self-control and obedience before advancing to a more complex sport.
  • Not just any disc will do. The best disc to play with is the one specifically for dogs. It should be soft, flexible and resistant to sharp teeth injuries.
  • During play, make sure that you are aware of your dog’s comfort level. Make sure that he is always hydrated and protected from the sun as well.
  • To minimize the impact on joints, make sure that the dog always lands on all four legs. Train your dog to land on four legs if you see him land on two legs.
  • Don’t let the dog play with a disc unless you are playing. Chewing on plastic discs can damage your dog’s teeth. Additionally, the disc will be damaged so you will be forced to replace it with a new one.
  • Start slow, be consistent and patient, take your time, and don’t expect your dog to become a champion overnight.

Final Woof

Dogs love to play fetch. When looking for the best frisbee for your canine friend, you will come across numerous flying discs. Perform a thorough and prudent analysis of the frisbees before purchasing one. Read the best frisbees for dogs and have an easier time choosing a disc for your buddy.