Tips for Cat Travel

Tips for Cat TravelHow to Keep Cats Warm While Travelling

Keeping your cat warm while traveling is vital for her wellbeing. Cold can cause arthritis in cats just like it does in humans. Cats may also suffer from hypothermia and frostbite which occur if your cat is exposed to cold temperatures for a long time. A warm cat is a healthy and comfortable cat. In case you are worried about how to keep your cat warm as you travel with your furry friend, here are some tips for cat travel to keep her warm and comfortable during the whole experience:

Tips for Cat Travel

  • Use a Pet-Friendly Airline

This is one of the best ways to ensure that your cat in climate-controlled and pressurized conditions for the entire trip. This is important both in the summer months when extreme temperatures can cause heatstroke and dehydration for traveling pets and in the winter also. When cats are left outside for a long period in cold weather, they can suffer from hypothermia and frostbite. Younger and older cats are especially the ones at risk.

  • Treat your Pet to Thermal Layers

Thermal blankets are essential as they help your pet retain warmth without electricity or adding too much bulk to its travel crate. A cat sweater is a great way to keep your feline companion warm. However, it is important to keep in mind travel safety when choosing the right cat apparel. Knitted fabrics can get caught up in a seat belt or a cat carrier. With that said, you will want to make sure that you choose something that allows your pet to move around and relax safely and comfortably as well.

  • Pay Attention to Grooming

Keep your furry friend’s hair combed throughout which helps her to keep warm. Combing the hair prevents it from matting up to ensure that it stays warm as it is supposed to.

  • Pack Products that Will Help Keep Your Cat Warm

This includes K& H Pet Products microwavable bed warmer, self-warming pet bed, and a small animal microwave heat pad.

  • Feed your Cat Well

Cats that are traveling may require more calories to generate enough energy to keep them warm. You must consult your veterinarian about the nutritional needs of your furry friend. However, the cat should not be overfed.

  • Warm Your Vehicle before Introducing The Cat

If you are traveling on a cold day, warming the car before bringing your cat in will avoid her getting a chill.  Besides, the warming techniques will be more effective if the car is already warm Ensure that the heater vents are not blowing directly onto the cat’s carrier as this may cause her to overheat.

  • Use a Smaller Travel Container

It is easier to warm up and keep warm in a smaller travel container. Furthermore, a smaller container will recreate the feeling of being inside a safe little container. However, it is important to ensure that your four-legged friend has enough room to move around.

  • Use a Hot Water Bottle to Heat your Cat

Hot water bottles work well to provide heat for many hours. You need to ensure that the water bottle isn’t too hot for you to hold. If it is too hot for you to hold, it is too hot for your cat. Also, if your hot water bottle doesn’t already come in a cover, always wrap something around it. Besides that, ensure that the lid is on securely. You do not want any hot water to leak onto your cat and cause injury.

  • Use a Microwavable Heat Pack

These are a simple and great way to provide heat to your feline companion. All you have to do is pop them in the microwave for 1 to 5 minutes depending on your heat pack and they are ready to go. They are ideal for long journeys as they ensure that your cat stays warm for long hours. However, ensure that they are not too hot to touch as they could burn your ct.

  • Put a Lid on The Cat’s Container

Putting a lid on the cat’s container helps to keep warm air inside. An open-top carrier is harder to keep warm as hot air can escape easily. Just ensure that there are plenty of holes in the carrier for ventilation so that your feline companion doesn’t suffocate.

  • Add Plenty of Bedding to The Travel Carrier

Many different materials can be used. These include towels, newspaper, paper towels, and clothes. A mixture of materials can also be used. Ensure that you use enough so that your cat has something to nestle into. This provides insulation that keeps your cat warm and soaks up any waste. The bedding also provides security and comfort and thus minimizing stress.

  • Don’t Let Your Cat Fall Victim to Antifreeze

Antifreeze poisoning is a major hazard especially if it leaks from a car’s radiator or spills on the ground while being sprayed on frozen car windows. Get rid of ice from cars using a scrapper and keep containers of antifreeze locked away and quickly clean any spills.

  • Use Hand Warmers

Hand warmers are a great way to provide heat to your cat from any hours. They are thin, air-activated packs that provide heat for up to 10 hours. However, always keep in mind that they should be used outside the carrier. Placing them inside the carrier means that they can get too hot and injure your best friend and they can also soak up air and cause suffocation. Instead, pop them in a sock and put them next to or on top of the travel carrier.

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The thought of traveling with your furry friend should not be so daunting. This is because you now know of the multiple ways to keep her warm while traveling. It is always important to check the temperature of your cat’s travel container to ensure that its temperature is right. Also, be sure to check up on the cat throughout to ensure that she is fit and well.  If you suspect that she is unwell, take her to the vet.